The Flow of your Life

 Do you ever wonder where you would have been if you had just made one different decision in your life? If you had said yes to a job instead of no, stayed in the city and didn't move, cancelled that long-awaited trip with your friends instead of going. One decision, big or small could be the difference between moving forward or staying where you are. It seems so insignificant, but yet it can change everything. If you look back at your life do you have any regrets? How has the decisions you've made impacted the quality of your life? I have a friend who constantly wishes she had done things differently. 'If only I........this and if only I.......that. There is a beauty about how our lives fit into this messy, chaotic and wonderful flow of ups and downs, good years and bad years. Look back at your life and think again. Do you really wish it worked out differently? I think you are exactly where you should be. Enjoy the ride!

Until next time!


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