Being Authentic

 Authentic is defined as "not false or copied; genuine; real.' We attract what we reflect, we attract what we want. My friends, the people I surround myself with, they are as real as you can get. I know exactly where I stand with them and vice versa. There is such a comfort in knowing you don't have to pretend or fake anything with the people who really care about you. I still have friendships going back thirty-five years. Some of them I haven't seen in ages, but the moment we get together it's like we saw each other just the day before. Everyone has changed and we all have new stories to tell, but the friendship is still as real and true as in the beginning. I've always kept my tribe small and that's how I prefer it. I am that friend who calls first, who really listens and who cares deeply. And what I give out I get back in spades. The biggest gift we can give each other is unconditional love, acceptance and our undivided attention.

Take good care of your tribe!


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