
A New Year

  It's already the seventh day of January. How did that happen? So it's been a while since I wrote anything on here. A lot has happened since my last visit and life has been really challenging. I have doubts, fears and a lot of anxiety I haven't really experienced before. And discomfort. What is all of this teaching me? Should I go, should I just patiently move through it hoping to come out on the other side, happier? I really don't know! I have to believe that God has put me here for a good reason, right? Have I been too comfortable? I have so many questions. That is where faith and trust comes in......and of course patience. Where are you taking me this year, God? 

Staying Strong

  Breathe, just breathe. I have to say these words to myself quite often. I stop and breathe when things get out of control and my head wants to explode. Lately, that has been happening too often and I don't like that feeling. Why do I take on other people's emotions and negativity? Why do I allow that to affect my sanity? I need to refocus and block out other people's drama. I need to focus on what I can control and handle. God, grant me the clarity and calmness to deal with daily challenges with a clear mind. Thank you!

When Life Gives You Lemons

  I lost a dear friend two weeks ago and I'm really struggling. Why her, God.......why? Why is cancer eating away at us, in so many different ways? Where is the miracle, and where is the cure? My only solace is that she is with her mom now. Lucy, my dear stubborn friend. I miss you so much! The world is a big mess and people are more isolated and lonely than ever before. What has happened to the human race? When did we stop caring about each other? When are we going to learn the lesson? I have so many questions, God! Making that's hard at the moment.


Purpose  - the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists. What is my purpose? Why am I here? I'm watching the birds from my window. It looks like they are just aimlessly flying around, not doing much, but I believe they know exactly why they have been put here on earth. Don't play small just because you feel you have to accommodate other people's needs and feelings. Speak up and share your experience, your thoughts and ideas. What are you waiting for?! Spread your wings and fly!

Sunday Reflections

It's a real challenge to choose your heart over your pocket when the odds are stacked against you. We cannot change other people, but we can make a choice to change our circumstances. If we can't move the mountain, then we have to move the goal. Happiness and peace, that is the goal. I want to love my life, my work and I don't want to live in constant uncertainty. That I know for sure! I hope you are doing what gives you joy.

Finding Peace in Chaos

  When and how do we decide we've had enough? When do we choose peace over anger, discomfort and chaos? What do we need to sacrifice in order to get to that place? Just a few questions I have to answer for myself. Reading people isn't easy......working with them is even harder. We have a responsibility to each other to be patient, tolerant and understanding. Is that so difficult? We are here to learn, but most of all we are here to teach each other. Be kind, people!

What is our Purpose?

  Today was another beautiful day given to us by God. I am so unbelievably grateful for everything He has given me. My life is a miracle and I only have God to thank for that. I am not deserving! Why are we here on earth? A student had an answer that really spoke to me. We all have more than one purpose on earth. I like that idea, but I've decided that we are here to help each other and to teach. Every day we have the chance to be an example, to help and to guide each other. Why is it so difficult just to reach out and give someone a hand? It feels really good to help and contribute, doesn't it? What is stopping you? Reach out and touch someone's life!